Saturday, December 12, 2009

December 12, 2009
What a cool experience we had today with a multi-regional conference broadcasted from Recife with Elder Scott, Eyring and Zwick. (The last of who is coming to our mission this Monday and Tuesday) It was interesting they way they started the meeting with a question and answer session, with two mikes in the audience there in Recife, and two phone numbers to which anyone listening/watching in other locations would be able to text questions to. The best part of the meeting was towards the end when Elder Eyring got up and spoke of obedience and committing ourselves to God's commandments. I felt the Spirit testifying to me of the truthfulness of the principle of obedience and that I have a good ways yet in my application of it in my life.

A lot has happened this week with the Zone leader's counsel, continuing the process of shutting down the old house, working through the new system the church has brought into use for administrative purposes around the world and getting some more details worked out for the Christmas conference.

Elder Pettit

Saturday, December 5, 2009

December 5, 2009

Indeed it has passed past quite quickly, it is really cool but almost scary as I think of how much growing and learning I'd like to pass through here on the mission, though something I've learned concerning that is the more I focus on what I want rather than what needs to be done in the work, the less I grow.

The move is pretty much finished here in Salvador for the staff, the assistants went to another house and now Rio Vermelho (the area in which we live) lives with us. The house is great and will be even better once we finish setting up all the beds and wardrobes etc. We successfully got one of the houses shut down here in Salvador and also another in Teixiera de Freitas thanks to the help of the Elders in those areas, all in all bringing alot off my shoulders. All that’s left now is to finish shutting down the old staff house (which will probably happen Monday) move the Elders in Engenho Velho and finish renewing all the expired/near expired contracts. Then the new setup of organization will have to be put into place. The idea or renovating/innovating the current setup was inspired by Elder C's example, he was always ready to go out and do a bit more, make a change to improve the system for those farther down the road. I’m grateful for the opportunity I had to be his companion and am even more so for the opportunity I have to continue being his companion at least for now. President decided to leave us here in trio for at least until Elder W. gets the hang of things in the mission office.

Elder B. fresh in from the CTM is living with us now to with Elder K. his "father" on the mission. It’s been great to get to know them and I've been learning/trading new words with Elder K. as he is learning English while I try to continue learning Portuguese. I look at Elder B. and admire his veracity at moving forward with the language, he still needs to stop speaking to all Brazilians in English expecting them to understand (principally his trainer) but when he does speak Portuguese he isn't afraid to be corrected. Just in these few short days he has been here though I've already seen him become more prone to speak Portuguese with people.

Last night as we were coming back from the bus station where we had to grab some tickets for the assistants to come back from the interior (where they were doing a blitz in lieu of the dedication of a really nice chapel in Vitória da Conquista where tons of referrals were received) we were waiting to grab a bus or taxi and this hobo came up and asked us for some money to grab a bus. As it turns out he was heading the same way we were so as we already had three people the taxi wouldn't be any more with 4 so we let him grab a ride with us. It was quite humorous to say the least as he went to climb in, the three of us snagged seats in the back while he clambered in the front startling the taxi driver who confirmed at least once or twice the fact that yes, this hobo was coming with us. I couldn't help but smile the whole ride back to the office thinking of the taxi driver's reaction and that of the hobo who sat chatting away admirably with him not to mention I just felt good about it.

Something was brought to my attention the other day in my reading in 2 Nephi Chapter two. I think of this chapter as a memorable change in Jacob´s life, a "north star" moment that helped him get on the track that he took later in life as a leader and teacher among the Nephites. Lehi says to him in verse 3, " Wherefore, thy soul shall be blessed, and thou shalt dwell safely with thy brother, Nephi; and thy days shall be spent in the service of thy God. Wherefore, I know that thou art redeemed, because of the righteousness of thy Redeemer; for thou hast beheld that in the fulness of time he cometh to bring salvation unto men." Lehi tells Jacob that his life will be spent in the service of God (Mosiah 2:17, in the service of fellow men) and that as such he will be saved through the atonement of Jesus Christ. I think of Christ's example and teachings as He lived here on the Earth, ever of service to us even to the very end of His life, the very purpose thereof was to be of service to us. When asked about the greatest commandments he responded to love God with all our heart might mind and strength and to love our neighbor as our brother and what better way can we show our love for another then through simple service. I also think of great parents, siblings, leaders, and friends who have shown me great examples of this loving service and want to thank you all for that. In this scripture I felt of the great importance that service can play in our eternal salvation. I remember a quote I heard once that went something like this, "It won't be how many callings that we have served in that will make a difference in the end, but how many we have served through our callings."

I know God lives and loves us and am grateful for the testimony I have of these things of which I leave with you in the name of Jesus Christ, Amém.

Elder Pettit