P-day today! did a lot of cleaning (not sure it would pass your inspection yet, mom, but its a whole lot better then it was, I wonder how many missionaries have gone through this place and not cleaned a thing... and I'm only kind of kidding...
Este semena nos tivemos uma boa experiencia com um rapaz cujo nome é C.O.P. Eu vou descrever em inglese porque eu não tenho muito tempo para escrever a minha familia depois isso, On Sunday, Elder S. was thinking about who we might baptize that day as all our investigators had fallen through, and as he was looking through the area book he came upon a name, H., a now inactive member who I believe was baptized about 8 months ago. The name stood out to him, and as he thought about him, trying to remember who he was, it was brought to his mind that he had a younger brother that wasn't baptized. So that afternoon we headed over, and the first time we passed by C. wasn't home and so we tracted through the surrounding area, then returned to grab a drink of water from H's house. This time C. was there so we began teaching the first lesson, After Elder S. made the baptism challenge, and C. accepted with a big grin on his face, his mom was a little hesitant about the whole thing. She liked the church, and felt it was a good thing, but she didn’t know that C. was ready for baptism, thinking and saying to us that is only 12 years old, and that he may want to keep the commandments today and be baptized, but that tomorrow he might have a change of mind and decide not to. But Elder S. kept on going, during this point in time I was a little mixed about the whole thing, being the anti confrontational being that I am, but I prayed, I prayed and told the Lord that I knew He could make this happen if it was his will, and that if it was his will, that C. mom would let him be baptized, and she did, we left the house, walked to the church... and found that someone had pulled the plug on the font, which takes about 4 hours to fill. So, we did what we could, turned on the faucet in the font, and just about every other faucet we had a bucket for.... 5-10 min later the water pressure began to go, and I prayed, I prayed and told the Lord that I knew HE could make the water flow to fill up the font so C. could be baptized, and that if it was His will, that he would make it so, and the water flowed a bit stronger. Then after an opening hymn, “Come Follow Me”, a prayer, and a short talk by Elder J. , C. was baptized by the power of God, in a cold little font in the Itapetinga ward building. Deus Vive, Cristo é nosso Salvador, este é o trabalho dele, O obra e gloria dele, Ele vai ajudar nos se nosso mostramos nosso Fé em Ele, Em nome de Jesus Cristo, Amém.
Your son, friend and brother,