Wednesday, April 15, 2009

April 15, 2009

Well, not much sun these days here in Conquista... rain, rain, rain, which makes one of the areas we´ve been working in a bit difficult, it’s an hour walk or so and there is a big hole, kind of a mini Grand Canyon which only grows bigger with each downpour, and at this point the land bridge that once existed there is gone, washed away by the rain, so the only option is take the bus, or jump the hole... we have a golden investigator up there though, one of those people that strengthens testimonies that God prepares people for the gospel, her name is Grasiele and though pregnant, was willing to make the hour long walk to church on Sunday (though with the recently made impassable hole there, we decided last minute Sunday morning to pay for the bus) she has been doing her part, and is making the necessary changes in her life to one day return to our Heavenly Father. She is also enjoying reading the BOM, and last time we checked, she was in Jacob 4-5 (this in addition to the chapters we marked for her)

Jeanne and her family are still teetering on the edge, but we are hoping and praying that they will come to church on Sunday, Jamile who was baptized a few weeks ago (Jeane's daughter) is fighting a good bit of peer and family pressure (aunts uncles cousins etc) but has decided to return to church on Sunday. Its interesting to note that part of her thinking in not returning to church was the fact that she hadn’t been there for 2 weeks in a row, and as such thought that the members here would judge her, and not accept her, or some sort of deal like that, who knows how many people out there are kept from coming back to church for the same reason. Some food for thought there...

Had a cool experience today, there were some natives from Ecuador who were playing in the center of town today, their native music with an interesting twist, somewhat synthesized sound. They use legit instruments though, and thus I had a great interest in well, buying one, they had cheapo instruments there, but we talked with some of the people who were selling the goods there, (one of which was a member, who returned from her mission 12 years ago or so, thought that’s was pretty cool) (also of note was understanding Spanish, kinda weird to hear after port. for so long, but cool) and I got to play some of their instruments there, and may end up buying one of them on Saturday before they pack up and leave.... here’s to hoping, it’s a bit expensive, at more or less R$200 (about 100 bucks) but I’m thinking I may come around and do it... it seems like the instruments were based on somewhat of a pentatonic scale.

I know God lives, and that this is the church that he brought back here to earth with the power and authority to help us return to His presence, all we have to do is our part. Have Faith in Christ, seek to repent of our sins, be baptized by one who holds the priesthood of God, receive the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands by one with that same priesthood of God, and last of all, endure to the end, pray always, read and study the scriptures, go to church to partake of the sacrament and renew our covenants. and though these small and simple things, great things will be brought to pass. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amém.

Elder Pettit

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