Tuesday, October 7, 2008

First Letter Home


Howdy Neighbors!

Got in just a bit before 7 this morning and have been up and going since. Felt pretty akward going through an airport where I couldn't undertand half of what was being said but being with 25! other missionaries was a bit of a strength, didnt' expect that many (they all met in Dallas,TX to fly to Sao Paulo) and somehow with all of us following each other we made it to the Alex Nunes ( he was picking them up).

The food will take some getting used to, thought it's not bad --except the milk is kinda funky, not to mention buying from the streetside vendors is a no no, e-coli and the like are too often contracted --extra motivation for obedience eh?

Orientation involved various house keeping matters but also a great sharing of self. It seems all are great Elders and Sisters. Interestingly enough, many of them either remind me of others I know or just seem familiar somehow. My comapnion Elder H mentioned the same which I thought was interesting. He strikes me as a concious individual of self and others; 22 if I remember correctly with a great interest in psychology. He seems to have a strong testimony and has looked a lot into various faiths before he came back to the church. He seems a knowledgeable and disciplined learner. We;ll have our first classes starting tomorrow at 9:45 with a group meeting with the MTC president just before.

Well, dinner is on and we may be heading to the gym afterword.


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