Thursday, October 15, 2009

Oct 3, 2009

Running took a downward turn this week, we've had a missionary in the hospital here in Salvador this week so in between staying overnight there, or visiting during the day, time has become more scarce than usual and the whole running thing came to a rather abrupt stop. (not to mention my running mate (ha) twisted/sprained/busted his ankle this past Wed. playing soccer at a zone activity)

Well this week has passed by quite fast, or rather this whole time since last conference has gone by quite fast, I can't believe it’s already come around again. I really liked Pres. Uchtdorf's talk about being a true disciple of Christ and how deeply love plays a part in it. I thought of one of my favorite scriptures while I was listening to him this afternoon; John 13: 12-17 where Christ washes the feet of His disciples, then tells them how if He, being their Lord serves them in such a humble way, they should serve each other, fro truly, "The servant is not greater than his lord; neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him." I think service plays a huge aspect in loving someone. On that note that’s something I’ve gained a testimony of here on the mission, that we can learn to love someone, it doesn't matter how different we are from them, and one of the best ways to do so, is to serve them. I've gained one of my best friends on the mission that way.

Not to much more to report on, recently I've been working on renewing house contracts here on the mission (A rather different experience than any I've had before on the mission or off) and as a result of all this talking on the telephone, I think I might be able to call the pizza guy all by myself when I get home. :)

Happy Humphrey the Hamster seems like he is doing as well as the last at wreaking havoc in the happy mommy hermithood. I think these sorts of stories would make great family home video moments... out of curiosity, were you laughing/screaming as you chased him? I don't know why, but as it played out in my mind, I certainly thought you did.

Conference has started again, so I'm going to get going, but I would like to have you and anyone else who would like to answer, send me their answer to "How has the restored gospel blessed your life and that of your family's?

Thanks much,


Elder Pettit

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