Sunday, February 8, 2009

Extracted Toenail

February 3,2009

Sorry about no letter last week, I was a little, well preoccupied, as you may or may not have reasoned, the nail was continuing to grow into my toe, so the doc decided to pull it out, not the most pleasant of experiences as the tissue was swollen so the anesthesia didn’t pick up very well (or at least that was my understanding of it) but after only 5 to ten minutes I had one less toenail and a bit of my toe to boot, (rather inconsiderate if I may say so myself) but all is fine and dandy now. The toe is healing up just fine and the new toenail is coming in good as new. Though I have decided that we (as with everything else) were given toenails for a wise purpose, that being to keep things/people from touching the skin underneath, I really don’t think I can ever forget the feeling... strange as ever... I'm now finally able to work again, and thanks to the Lord, and support/hard work of the rest of the district, the work has carried on through this time. That’s something I have been blessed with here in this area, the other elders in the district have really been a great support and example to me. Whether just coming in and talking about the day when I was stuck in bed with my foot propped up on a suitcase/chair stack, and answering all my pestering questions about the people, to bringing lunch to me while I was again, stuck in bed, to even just reading in there and saying that if I need anything to ask and they’d do it, (the last example there being when that particular elder was taking his turn staying at home with me while the other two elders took their day out working the two areas) it’s really been a great blessing, and also a time when I’ve been able to do a good bit of thinking/reading, and something I came to the re-realization or was the need to comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and that whole end of things, I thought of Stephen as well and all the things he went through, and how in many cases in life, I’ve always looked at pain and sickness as something you just deal with as it comes, and it’s not really a big deal, not that bad etc. but the difference that someone can make just being there to serve/help out, makes the whole experience that much easier to deal with, something I’ve needed to do a whole lot more of in my life. I remembered an experience back with Stephen as well, when he was having a really hard night during the time when his bones were swelling in his legs. I remember just staying up that one night with him, not really doing more than holding his head, I don’t even remember if we really had any conversation, just being there. Eventually I headed off to bed and the next morning with school the next day, everything went well and if anything felt less tired for the lack of sleep Id had the night before. And after coming home, (I don’t remember if it was mom or Stephen who asked) if I had been tired at school, as Stephen had prayed, thanking Heavenly Father for that small thing I was able to do, and had prayed as well to have Heavenly Father bless me with the energy I needed. His example of thankfulness, faith and the power in sincere prayer is and has been a great blessing in this time, and in my life. Just a thought I had.
I also had the great opportunity to read through the book Our Search for Happiness by Elder Russel M. Ballard, what a great book, during the reading and after which I received that great gift of the Spirit, testifying mais ainda of the truthfulness of his words and thus this gospel. Read the book if you have the chance, it’s not real long, but its more than worth the time.
We baptized the last son of Maricia´s this week (last night) her family is now only lacking her marriage to her husband Valmir, and their baptisms and then on to the temple to receive the blessings of being sealed as a family for eternity, it’s been a great blessing getting to know them and seeing them come unto Christ, there truly is a great joy to be found in this the work of the Lord. Please pray for a lady Redinaura who is trying to stop smoking and drinking, and also pray for Maricia (a diff. Maricia) who is currently having a tough time in her family as its now set that she and her husband will be separating, meaning she and her daughter Patricia will be moving out of the house (Leandro the 14 yea old son who was baptized awhile back was already kicked out of the house by the husband) tough times there, I feel to pray specifically for them to feel the love of the Lord for them.

I know this is the work of the Lord, and that Jesus Christ is our Savior, In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Jacob :)

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