Saturday, February 14, 2009

Feb. 11, 2009

Thankfully the toe is pretty much a thing of the past, just have to go into the hospital every couple days to change up the bandage, though it looks like this’ll be the last week, WOOO hoooo just in time for transfers, I have mixed feelings as to whether or not I want to be transferred, but fortunately I don’t have to worry about that decision. Itapetinga has been good, it’s been interesting as this transfer has been coming to a close, I’ve looked back at the success and the failures, the things that have changed, within and without me. That’s something that’s diff. about the mission, it’s split into smaller periods of time, set up for goal setting, looking back at where you’ve come in a six week period, it’s almost like a happy new year every month and a half. And though I haven’t thought too much into things yet (time to think about those sorts of things is a little scarce on a mission) I feel a great desire to and to set new goals. That’s become something I’ve had a greater desire to do, without goals, we just spend most of our time dribbling the ball up and down the field of life.

Went to the zoo here in Itapetinga today, thought it would be a dinky little place judging by the size of the town, but as it turns out it was really pretty cool. It’s a lot different then the zoos in the states as all the roads were dirt, they had random trails leading through the forest with animal statues and tribal looking things as well scattered throughout. (not to mention the wild monkeys, SOOOO COOOOLLL) also of note were the pigeons they had there, not outside the cages but in... that was a bit of a site to see, don’t think you’d find that anywhere in the states. Also had a good number of sweet birds, turtles, crocodiles, a puma, porcupine.... and another strange find hamsters yes hamsters, and some rabbits. Also got some cool shots of the plant life there, it’s so sweet being in a diff. climate like this. Oh and before I forget a big ole banana spider that Elder Severo practically walked right into, (I’ll send a pic next week) it was chilling right there across one of the trails.

This week has been a bit slow on the work as Elder Severo has been sick a good number of days (3-4) with a flu like deal. Elder Matos also picked it up, but fortunately the rest of us have stayed out of it. But the work as been slowed as a result, but it looks like Creuza will finally be coming to Church this Sunday, we taught her the 2nd lesson this past weekend which hopefully brought some eternal perspective into here life, and comforted her concerning her son who was killed awhile back. We also baptized a boy named Eleo, who seems excited to come to church this Sunday (couldn’t last week as we had stake conference out in Conquista, bom de mais, I’ll explain more later) we will be baptizing his brother this Saturday, and hopefully the parents will follow. As of yet though they aren’t married. Redinaura (Eleo's mom) has a problem with drinking and smoking but is trying to stop, and in the short week and a half that we’ve been visiting with her family, I've seen a great change in her, she seems to be happier when we swing by her place, and it seems she is drunk less often when we pass by. It's rough though as of yet, it seems her husband is still drinking a good bit and we haven’t been able to really catch him in the house sober yet.

Stake conference was great, President Silva spoke as well as his wife, and other leaders in the stake. The themes of the talks were more or less consecrating everything to the Lord, building faith, hope in the plan of salvation, preparing for the future, (financially, food storage etc) and uniting the family in the gospel of Christ. All of which reminded me of general conference and how these really are the last days, and how the hearts of Zion are being prepared for the Second coming of the Lord.

Well that’s all I’ve got time for today, love you all, thanks for the letters and packages, I got the one with the fruit leather and measuring stuff at the conference. (speaking of which made the syrup today, pretty good if I may say so myself) thanks much. I know this is the only true and living church on the earth today, with a prophet who can speak with the Lord, face to face as Moses did, with 12 apostles, and the priesthood authority to baptize and perform the saving ordinances of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I know Christ is our Savior, and that He lives and loves each and every one of us. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Elder Pettit

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