Wednesday, July 29, 2009

July 29, 2009

Transfers came around a bit differently, and instead of getting an email on Saturday round noon, we got a phone call Sunday night, yeah, that makes for some quick packing if you have to leave the next morning. I stayed here in Porto Seguro, and am now companions with Elder S., from São Paulo, I've really been blessed with native speakers on the mission, really grateful for that, it really helps me out.
The work is progressing here as always, Glacia was baptized on Sunday night and will be confirmed this coming Sunday. She is a great woman of faith, and will be a great support to the branch here. Speaking of support in the branch, it’s a whole other animal working in this area where there is a serious lack of communication between the leaders of the various organizations, but we are working on getting a meeting each month with all the leaders starting with this next month. The Mission will also be holding a training meeting here which I hope will help things out. We have an FHE tonight with some of the members, recent converts and investigators which will be a good time , and even better was the fact that we missionaries didn’t have to plan it, we were invited just to bring/invite new members and investigators to it, and to bring some ideas of games to play.

In my studies this week I did a study on studying, (hope you don’t have to study that for too long to figure out I meant what I said and I said what I meant.... this Elder is serious 100 percent) and it was a great spiritual experience and reminder of the importance of really studying with the intent to apply what I learn, and to truly seek to answer questions that I have, and not just let them slide, if one does that he will miss out on many opportunities for growth and learning. I was also reminded to truly seek to be attentive to be attentive to the Lord's promptings in the street, and wherever we may be, to talk with people, no matter how awkward it may seem, they need it to be saved, and we need to share it as well, in accordance to commandment and on the condition of magnifying our callings and covenants as well. It truly is interesting to see how the recent converts, who truly did their part, repented and prayed to k now if the gospel was restored through Joseph Smith have the tendency to spread the gospel, without even thinking about it, and it makes me think of Lehi’s dream as he partook of the fruit, and his immediate desire was to call his family to partake of its goodness as well. Truly as we become more converted, and feel of God’s love through the gift of His son we will grow in our desires to share that love through the sharing of His gospel.

Well, I’d best be going, but I love you all, and know this is the Lord's work, In the name of Jesus Christ, Amém.

Elder Pettit

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