Thursday, July 16, 2009

Mailing Packages to Brasil

Due to the increasing amount of packages that are being held by customs office here in Brasil, we again advise you to instruct your parents or close friends in that matter. Here is some important info (make sure you forward this information to your family/friends ASAP):

When sending a package, make sure you don’t declare a value superior to US$50,00. Packages with a declared value above that are subject to taxation of 60%. For example, if you send a 80 dollar package and it is held, the missionary will have to pay 48 dollars(approx. 96 reais) in order to retrieve it. Since missionaries only receive 100 reais (50 dollars) every two weeks this is not so easy, and this money is not reimbursed by the mission.

Also, when describing the contents, make sure not to use something that will withdraw too much attention. It is wise to write down “missionary supplies” instead of adding “clothing, cds, ipod, camera”. I advise you not to use “food” or “snacks” when declaring it, since any package that contains food may be opened for inspection by customs office, by law.

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