Saturday, November 14, 2009

November 14, 2009

Week passed by pretty quickly on our end of things here as well, just thought I ought to start off correcting the previously stated 8 months and pass it on to the correct amount of time being more or less 11 months. (just to clear up the confusion)

Highlights from this week... it’s been crazy as usual, but I think the new house contract for the staff is about set, though there are still a few small issues dealing with future repairs on the house that are being discussed. I'm really enjoying being with Elder C., he is a great missionary and a great friend. (BTW, are we related to any Hydes?) This week (as of yesterday) we've decided to leave. everyday at 6 to go work in the field, regardless of whether or not we have a lot to do, trusting that the Lord will bless us with enough time to get done that which we need to as we work diligently in our callings. Study time has been pretty good as well, and in addition to gaining a stronger testimony of the importance of studying the gospel, I have clearly seen again the strength gained against temptation as we do so. As I think of your thought (Mom) on the happiness brought about in the Christmas season through the service that people give, I have gained a testimony that service and focusing on helping others also brings added strength against Satan's temptations.

In district meeting we talked about planning and making goals and about our purpose here on the mission, which could be generally stated as fortifying the Kingdom of God in each area that we pass through. A question I think even those who aren't serving "missions" in this same sense I think would also benefit from thinking on the answer to this question, "What am I doing to help God in His work in my family ward, stake, neighborhood etc.?"

I know that Jesus Christ is our Saviour, that the Bible and the Book of Mormon contain the words of their prophets and that by following their counsel we can have greater peace and comfort in knowing that our lives are in accordance with God's will and that we receive strength beyond our own in standing against Satan's temptations. In the name of Jesus Christ, amém.


Elder Pettit

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