Sunday, November 29, 2009

November 28, 2009

Sounds like everyone had a good time, Thanksgiving for us here was a bit crazy as we have transfers next week, President was traveling in the interior, and we are shutting down several houses including our own.
Transfers are always a time of big changes but they are even more so these days outside of the usual transfer rush the church is upgrading the system we use here for just about everything, (You might even say it’s a mighty change of...system) we are shutting down and opening up various houses, my companion is getting transferred, 9 missionaries are leaving and about 12 are coming in, and president President Vecchi moving forward in faith, changing the way many things have been here on the mission. It’s something I've noticed about him, he is very much a man of action, of new ideas, ideas based on correct principles as he sees and feels in the moment, trusting that as things move along he will be led onto the right path that the Lord would have Him take. It’s something very cool about working closer with him is the opportunity to see how he works and to be able to learn from that. I see much of the "move forward in Faith" principle within him.
Elder C. is leaving which is a bummer for me, it has been a great time here with him, he has a great potential and has been another one of those companions that has inspired me and from whom I have learned alot. He will be close by though so I should get to see him every once in awhile. Elder W. will be my next comp. and I am also excited to work with him. I met him once or twice in zone conference and I remember Elder N. and I went to his area once to do a baptismal interview. So as you might guess I don't really know him, but from the little time I spent with him it seems he is a missionary of integrity and I look forward to learning and serving with him.

The package from the Relief society came today and brought me great "relief", getting something in the mail be it a package or letter is always an upper.
The Book of Mormon reading is coming along well and I'm really enjoying, one of the things I'm focusing on/looking for is principles I can apply better in my life to bring me closer to God. The idea came to me through one of the quotes (from Joseph Smith) we find in the introduction, that by abiding by the precepts contained in the Book of Mormon a man could get closer to God then through any other book. It has been a great experience though these days it’s sometimes crammed to keep up with the schedule with everything we've got going on around here.
We've worked in the area several nights this week and are currently working with an inactive guy William who has committed to go to church again on Sunday, we also started teaching his sister and one of her friends as well, though I fear his sister may make it harder for her friend to move forward. Juliana (her friend) seems to truly have a great interest in the church, (unlike William’s sister) but her personality isn't as strong so I fear that Tati (William’s sister) may keep her from visiting church. The member friend is what’s still missing, that helping hand from within. Without a doubt the best solution would be an activity as just going to someone’s house with the missionaries isn't the kind of atmosphere where you get to know each other etc. Bishop is thinking about starting up a mutual program I think and we will jump on that effort to see what we can do to help, it is of greater need now especially since seminary ended.

Well, I love and am thankful for you all, for the restored gospel, for my Savior, the opportunity to be here, the outdoors, friends and great examples, good music, camping, fishing, skateboarding, ultimate frisbee, snowboarding, water, service, the Spirit, the Scriptures, a Prophet on the earth today, experiences, the chance to learn and to still need to learn, the chance to repent, hard times, good companions, pocket knives, parents, siblings, Legos, letters from home and your support,

Until next time,

Elder Pettit

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