Sunday, October 18, 2009

October 17, 2009

It’s been crazy as weeks often are here these days. Transfers are coming up/are happening right now and so the straightaway speed up in the mission grand prix is coming around again. My companion Elder R. was/will be transferred to a nearby area where he will have a great responsibility (2 areas and a three-elder-including him district) and a great time. I've learned a good bit with him and have really enjoyed being his companion with the never ending surprises that came as a result. My (almost) new comp Elder C. actually knows some people that lived in CT that I knew. (A nanny that helped out at the Zeiner's place) I got to know him a bit back in Porto and I'm pretty excited to work with him here, word on the street has it that he likes to work :).

Let’s see, p-day will be kinda interesting today, we'll be going house hunting here in Rio Vermelho for the assistants and their comps. We're hoping to get them moved in a ready to go before the end of the month. Fast moves are a blast.

Loved the pics, I think I'll be sending those on to president and then I'll ask him if we can do that here, there are several missionaries I know that have some good artish talents. On that end of things it looks like we may sing in the malls here around Christmas time, should be pretty good stuff.

I don't remember if I told you guys, but awhile back Elder R and I were blessed with about 60 referrals from a family here and though we haven't been able to follow up with all of them yet, we started to do so, and then passed some them onto another pair of missionaries that work in that area. I don't know all of what has happened with each of them, but one lady that we had started to teach is going to get married and baptized!! That was an upper to say the least, the Lord guides us in this His work and His glory.

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