Saturday, October 24, 2009

October 24, 2009

Boa Noite!!

Well we had a crazy day today so I won’t be able to write much (I have 4 minutes)

Moved in some extra furniture in the sister's place, gained a new companion (the Elder who was in the hospital is now staying with us) cleaned a bit of the house cut my hair etc... full to the brim.

I've been studying that talk by Elder Bednar recently about asking with faith, after getting a great idea from one of the other elders here of studying and developing a specific Christ-like attribute each transfer, something I have found to be interesting is the importance of communicating and then following through w/ total commitment. Something I am trying a bit harder at.

Still no house,(for elders in an area town) but we will find one pretty soon, president is thinking of a "mission Mansion" staff house, sick bay and place to throw in the missionaries that come in and go home.

My new comp(s) is/are great, I think I have been really blessed this time around, I think the best way to put it is I will be (and already am) learning alot from him. I feel a sense of great potential already in this opportunity, we share the desire to have "effective days" everyday. Elder Lopes (the one who was in the hospital) is doing better but may have to go home for treatment, we'll hear the final answer on Monday from SLC. Here’s to hoping he stays though, he is a great guy and I fear he will have a hard time at home and even a harder time coming back. We've been walking masked with him in the streets and it draws a bit of attention to say the least, "Gripe swina!!" (swine flu) but it’s a good time.

As far as Adam goes see if you can snag his address I'd like to write him a letter one of these days. Speaking of friends from CT, I got word from Eric McDowell!! Sounds like everybody is doing well, it was pretty funny the way he started the letter with something to the effect of "pretty much the Mormons came to our door today saying Jacob Pettit sent them. Hope to see them take interest in the gospel.

I know that God lives and that this is His gospel and church restored here on the earth. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amém.

Elder Pettit

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