Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Howdy Mama!!! and everybody else who may happen to be reading this, Week five of the MTC experience here and I cant tell you how ridiculously fast it's going by, I feel like I just can't do or learn enough by the days end, but I am def. learning, it just takes a little patience and diligence to get through it. It seems that learning how to plan effectively and follow through with goals is just as important as learning how to teach and speak in Portuguese. Well, big news this week... Saturday we taught the first lesson in Portuguese to some members who live near the CTM. Basically theĆ½'ll come in to a room with a camera mounted on the wall/ceiling and every 15 min or so missionaries will come in teach a lesson, then leave and grab the tape of the lesson. I feel like we did pretty well and that I was able to speak much of what I wanted, though I am no doubt in need of more fluency, though prayer, faith, patience, diligence and time will help out with that one. Also of note is the fact that Elder Scott came this past weekend to speak to us, it was much different then I expected as he started off shaking everyone's hand and then part way through his talk opened up for questions. One thing he said that stuck with me was a response to how we can develop faith in ourselves. He gave the following advice:

Forget yourself.
Do it with all conviction.
Don't worry about whether or not you have enough time for yourself.
Remember you have been assigned to do this work by inspiration from God.

Indeed the longer I'm out here the more I realize how much I need and will need His help. I think that's one of the things Heavenly Father is trying to teach me, to rely on Him, to be less prideful and to really learn to give Him my all. Looking back at high school I realize just how much I was just getting by for the grades, not that I did all that bad, but I wasn't there to learn. College I began to get that message of trying to go through school for actual learning, and now on my mission it is only becoming ever clearer the need to learn these skills for the mission field and for life. I truly know that the things I do here will likely determine the rest of my life, I'm not only serving and building the Kingdom of God on the Earth, but am building the foundation for the rest of my life. So I've been feeling a bit of pressure (to say the least) but know that I need to just put my life into the Lord's hands, and at this point am just trying to learn how I can best do that. As great as the CTM is, it certainly does make it hard to have some time to really pray and talk with God the way I would like to. I have found a Walden Pond of sorts though in the view from our 6th floor window. (takes a good number of stairs to get there let me tell you...) O btw I also got to sing in a quartet (baritone)for Elder Scott, we sang a mix of "Come Follow Me" and "Vinde a Mim" (some verses in Portuguese some in English) it was a great experience and I took some comfort as I was reminded of the inspiration of mission calls. I know the Lord has called me here for a wise purpose in Him, and that if I can but place my trust in Him, and be obedient to his commandments, He will go before me and prepare a way for me to do those things which he has commanded.

Well I gtg but sounds like you had a rather well, not quite astronomical experience serving a good cause out there for Prop 8, keep up the good work, Love you all and happy birthday to all.

Again love you all much, and know this is the Lord's work,

Your son,
Elder Pettit


Neil and Ms.T said...

I LOVE THIS KID!!!!!! WOW! A great way to start my day. FORGET MYSELF!!!
Auntie Tamara

Unknown said...

Sounds like he had a good Sunday School Teacher 4 years ago :) -- Tapie Rohm

Em said...

I love reading his letters on here! He is such an inspiration!